Initiated by MyGatekeeper, supported by KWS and in cooperation with the city of Einbeck, the district of Northeim and the Bildungsregion Südniedersachsen e.V., the project #vernetzteLernregion - Gemeinschaft(lich) gestalten! The aim is to enable the development of long-term structures to sustainably link and promote educational institutions in the district, also in order to better utilise funds from the Digital Pact.
As part of the project, the primary schools sponsored by the city of Einbeck and secondary schools sponsored by the district of Northeim were introduced to the #networkedlearningregion idea and offered support in creating contemporary learning spaces and modern training opportunities. Ideas were collected, concretised and further developed during an online networking and workshop day. The aim of the networking and workshop day was to (better) connect the various regional stakeholders, to bring in external impulses (good practice) and to set a framework for further project work in the region. After a review of the successes already achieved in recent months, KWS decided to continue the cooperation with MyGatekeeper in order to ensure the independent sustainability of the #networkedlearningregion project in autumn 2021. Further information on the project and comprehensive documentation with results of the online networking and workshop day can be found at
About MyGatekeeper
"We are a young, dynamic team and are close to the reality of young people's lives. We know their motivations, their fears and their wishes, which have a direct influence on their media use. But these are also decisive for the extent to which they are involved in shaping politics and society. We combine expertise in the implementation of teacher training courses, seminars for student teachers and conferences organised by the NLQ and the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs. We create teaching and learning materials in all audiovisual formats and in the sense of didactics of contemporary learning, on commission or under free licence. We use these in school and extracurricular educational work, as part of workshops and project weeks with pupils and young people. Our programmes can be carried out online. The focus of our activities lies in the networking of media education and political education. In our view, we are thus working on the educational topics that are central to the culture of digitality* that characterises our society today (*digitality primarily means the interweaving of "digital" and "analogue" realities)."