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Farming Insiders: the Beeckens

About Arne, Henning and Carsten

Brothers Arne (24) and Henning (26) Beecken took over the family farm in the Lüneburg Heath from their father Carsten a few years ago – since then, each has owned a 50-percent share of the business. They have also divided the areas of work among themselves: While Arne essentially takes care of the indoor management with the farmyard, workshop and pigsty, Henning’s responsibilities lie in the outdoor management of the arable farm. When the two brothers joined the farm, they convinced their parents and grandpa Helmut to venture in new directions.

Farm facts

Family farm in the eighth generation with five employees

Location: Südergellersen, County of Lüneburg, Lower Saxony

Crops cultivated: The main focus is on the cultivation of cereals and potatoes, with a total of 400 hectares of land under cultivation.

Special features: For generations, the farm has specialized in seed processing and multiplication.

The feeling of wanting to continue the work on the farm has grown day by day since childhood.
Henning Beecken, Südergellersen/Germany

Question time

Arne and Henning, did the idea of taking over the family business take root naturally when you were younger?

Arne: Actually it wasn’t quite that clear to me in the beginning. I had also considered training as an agricultural machine fitter, but our trusted dealer suggested that I take up an agricultural apprenticeship, saying that I would be able to put it to good use in my life. So one thing led to another and then I took over the farm together with my brother.
Henning: We were involved in the goings-on here everyday as small children, so my interest in the farm was there from the ground up. Later on, the feeling of wanting to continue the work on the farm has grown day by day.

You have taken over a well-functioning farm. Are there things you would like to do differently or do you aim to continue in a similar way?

Arne: Because we’ve been helping out on the farm for many years, we’ve already had plenty of opportunities to shape things, to try out the work involved and to develop personally. There is therefore no reason to change anything simply because we are now in charge of the farm. I think that for us, employee motivation plays a major role, because next to the land, the employees are the most important thing for a farm. We as a family can accomplish a lot, but without our employees things simply won’t get done. That’s why the topic of team motivation, I believe, is an important point.
Henning: Exactly, and that’s why I believe that our generation is trying to display a somewhat different management style. These days, you have to deal with employees and trading partners a little differently than in the past. We are a bit more relaxed in how we handle things, but we still know what we want. This way, we bring people along with us.

What external challenges do you currently face as farmers?

Arne: The biggest challenges are the political situation and the general public’s view of agriculture. There has been a change in people’s minds as a result of the Ukraine war: They are now realizing the value of our work and our food.
Henning: Right now, there are a lot of crises in different regions of the world. Agriculture, including us with our farm, offers many solutions and contributes a lot to stability. To emphasize this importance, we need to get the population on our side even more.

It’s not at that point yet, but if you ever have children: How important would it be to you for your offspring to join the farm?

Arne: That depends entirely on the children. If they are keen themselves, appreciate the varied work on a farm and want to experience something new every day, then they should be happy to do it. I would recommend it to them.
Henning: I think I would recommend that my children continue in the family firm. It’s a job where you’re plenty tied up in terms of work, but it also comes with a lot of advantages, such as flexibility and versatility.

How much do your father and grandfather still help out with day-to-day work?

Arne: Well, our father has withdrawn a little more than our grandfather. During the season, however, he helps us wherever he can. Even our grandfather is still here every morning at half past seven for the staff meeting, providing support.
Henning: Grandpa is 87 years old now, and it’s fun to have him around every day. Not only did he lay the foundation for our business, for which he deserves respect, but he also livens up our day-to-day work with his sense of humor. Of course, he used to be able to help out more physically, but now he does more transport work, which also includes picking up our friends from an event during the night. We are happy and thankful that we are supported by our family and also by the employees in a way that means we can also enjoy our freedom sometimes. It’s not uncommon for Dad to do the accounts for me in the evening, for example, and feed the pigs for Arne in the morning.

In what way do you aim to further develop the farm technically and structurally?

Arne: We have now reached a point where the old hall is slowly becoming too small and the technology too old. That’s why Henning and I have made a plan to invest in that again for the future of the farm. A new processing plant is being built outside, and it also motivates the employees when they can operate new technology instead of the old equipment.
Henning: We were also able to convince Dad and Grandpa that a new processing plant would allow us to make the farm more versatile.

Question time II

... And how does their father Carsten view the change of generation?

Your two children have taken on your farm together – what advantages do you see in transferring responsibility to more than one pair of shoulders?

Yes, it’s rather unusual to pass on the farm to two sons, but we did it anyway because we saw it as an opportunity: Now both of them can make important decisions together, but also one of them can leave if they want to be there for the family. Or if one of them is sick, then things can keep going.

What did you pass on to your sons when you handed over the baton?

My wife and I tried to consolidate and expand the business. For the next generation, my main concern is to continue to pay attention to the human aspect, in the sense of good employee management. That means maintaining enthusiasm, forming a team and also bringing it forward. This creates new opportunities. Values and norms play a strong role here in our family anyway. For my wife, family, feeling more connected to each other and to the business, is very important.

Is it – or was it – difficult to step back from the day-to-day work?

Our farm goes back generations and even my father is still involved, even though I myself have since handed over to our sons. I'm also involved, but from a distance. The boys likewise attach importance to this; they have their own philosophies and want to contribute their ideas here. For me, that means that I’m there to guide them, I always have my phone with me, even though I’ve changed my number so that I’m no longer the main contact for those outside.

How does it feel to have passed on the business to good pairs of hands within the family?

When I look towards the future, I am proud and grateful that the eighth generation is now developing the business in this way and changing it a bit for their own purposes, but continuing to run it as a whole. That is the greatest gift for my wife and me, and I can now devote myself to other things that are close to my heart.

Paving the way. For a fruitful tomorrow.

Farm life is often characterized by family cohesion and traditions that have grown over decades. Around the world, many generations live and work on farms under one roof, and at some point the question of farm succession comes up. Our new Farmer Portraits focus on this generational change that many farmers are facing. Young and old alike - we visited farmers on their farms to have them tell us about their stories, their challenges and their hopes.


Todd, Jared and Cole Vis, USA

“My wish for the future of the family farm is that it will still be run well in the fifth, sixth, and seventh generation.”


Arco Van Triest, Netherlands

“This farm has been running since 1900, and now my children are here.“


Adem Biçici, Turkey

“When I go out into the fields with my grandson, I see myself reflected in his curiosity.“


Brian Ryberg, USA

“I think the feeling of being part of something greater has always been important to me.“


Šandor Sabo junior, Croatia

“Whatever problems we are facing, we solve them together. For me, family is all about cohesion.“


Atila Sabo, Croatia

“Every morning, my brother and I agree what we want to do during the day, what our duties are. So we share the work and have passed on this structure to our children in the same way.“


Carla, Fábio and José Rossato, Brazil

“I never had any doubts; I never wanted to be anything but a farmer.”


Dimitar Vukudinov, Bulgaria

”Working with your own father means that you always have a wiser man with you to support you and look up to.”


Rodolfo Cura, Argentina

“The farm is everything to me. Working in agriculture is the greatest way to do what I love. For me, the farm means freedom.”


Heidi Verschelde, Belgium

"I think the next generation is showing a keen sense for the importance of nature."


Ievhenii Bondarchuk, Ukraine

"If you want to be a farmer, you can’t learn that in an institute. It’s something you have to be born with."


Luigi Torri, Italy

“I hope my sons will pass on the love and respect for the earth and all the values I taught them.”


Paweł Strzemiecki, Poland

“This love of farming, of the farming tradition, goes back generations in our family.”


Emma F., UK

“It would be great if one day the sixth or seventh generation of our family runs the farm.“


Peter Carlisle, UK

“Teamwork is the most important thing on our farm. Everyone does a little bit of everything. If we weren't a team, our business wouldn't be as successful as it is today.“


Henning & Arne Beecken, Germany

“The feeling of wanting to continue the work on the farm has grown day by day since childhood.“


Emanuele Bortoli, Italy

“Reliability and respect form the foundation for how we deal with one another. These are values I`ve always held in high esteem.“


Francis Bapst, Switzerland

“For me, the most important values are respect for nature, understanding our consumers and food production.”


Toni & Daniel Peterhans, Switzerland

”Spirit and passion are what leads to success, whether it's in farming or on the football pitch.”


Riccardo Casarotto, Italy

”Independence is a dream that we should all cultivate and pursue. Dreams are there to come true and to help you progress.”


Stephan Jansen, Belgium

”I look forward to waking up every day and being able to work with nature.”


Gizem Anar, Turkey

”People should love what they do, and I love farming. I enjoy looking after animals, plants and nature and try to feel connected to them!.”


Adrian Knuchel, Switzerland

”For me, team spirit means being able to live and work together. It means ongoing exchange, taking each other, mutual ideas and suggestions seriously.”


Gürkan Ilhan, Turkey

”People who work in agriculture, cultivating crops, rearing livestock and working on the land, accumulate positive memories day after day.”


René Vermue, Netherlands

”Team spirit and reliability are hugely important in both my personal life and my working life – be it with colleagues, employees, or in dealings with other farmers.”


Henrick Dieckmann, Germany

”For me, it´s important to be sustainable and healthy in what we produce.”

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Stephan Krings
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