More pollen shedding, less infection risk

The future hybrid rye portfolio of KWS is adapted to the new ergot thresholds of the European Union from July 2024.

Rye is currently experiencing a renaissance in agriculture: Rye offers very high fiber levels and a series of benefits for human and animal nutrition. Thanks to its positive effects on animal welfare and the possibility to produce animal feed regionally, rye is gaining importance in animal feeding. Its high tolerance to drought stress and excellent nutrient-use efficiency contribute to the conservation of natural resources and promote sustainability in farming.

Rye shows generally a pronounced disease resistance. However, ergot poses a potential risk in rye due to toxic ergot alkaloids produced by the fungus Claviceps purpurea. Ergot is distributed worldwide and can infect more than 400 grass species. As a cross-pollinating crop, rye is particularly susceptible to ergot as its flowers open widely and allow this way for a transfer of ergot spores directly into rye flowers by means of aerosol deposition or insects.

KWS offers PollenPLUS varieties with substantially higher pollen shedding, which reduces the risk of ergot infection. The future hybrid rye portfolio of KWS is adapted to the new ergot thresholds of the European Union from July 2024. This will apply also to new variety types such as dwarf and spring rye.

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Christina Schulze
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