• Newcomer_alles_bleibt_anders.png

    Exhibition: alles bleibt anders
    Loneliness - Cindy Klinger

    My artist’s book deals with the topic "loneliness". Before I started to design the pages, I first thought about this topic, e.g. what loneliness means to me and if there are negative as well as positive aspects of being lonely. I personally distinguish between being lonely alone and being lonely in a group. At first sight, I myself always considered loneliness as negative, but when I talked to my fellow students, also positive aspects of loneliness showed up. For example, one can consciously exclude oneself from a group in order to observe it, analyze it and perhaps learn something from it. Furthermore, if you withdraw on your own, you can give free rein to your creativity.

    With this collected information I started to design the pages. I proceeded quite systematically and thought about which topic should be presented on which page. Only then I started with the actual design of the pages. In the background are alternating the colors black - blue/ black - blue - blue/ black etc. I deliberately chose darker colors, because loneliness is something negative for me.

    On most pages I used a mixed technique of monotype and collage. I have tried to counter the roundish style of the depicted figures with a more angular font to create a contrast. For the text I used a typewriter and stamps. The stamps were used for text that was to be highlighted. With the content I wanted to appeal to the reader and at the same time create a connection between the individual pages. I start and end the book with a question, so that readers can think about what they have just read or looked at and form their own opinion on the topic.

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    Bettina Alex
    Bettina Alex
    Public Affairs & Arts
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