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In 2015, the art exhibition space in the Biotechnikum was expanded: The NEWCOMER KWS Art Lounge is located at Einbeck’s center, surrounded by half-timbered houses, tradition and Lower Saxony's down-to-earth attitude.

In two rooms, the small gallery offers young upcoming artists the opportunity to gain or further develop exhibition experience. The exhibitions are not limited to classic painting but can comprise all possible art forms, also newly invented and reinvented ones: sculpture, photography, print graphics, visual media, light installations or performance art.

NEWCOMER is open for everything: beautiful, weird, face-to-face, inspiration or simply something new.

Opening hours

WE 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
FR: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m
SA: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Tiedexer Straße 20, 37574 Einbeck

Exhibition collection

Current press releases about NEWCOMER KWS Art Lounge

SPUKHAFTE FERNWIRKUNG – NEWCOMER KWS Art Lounge displays resonance of artistic positions

SPUKHAFTE FERNWIRKUNG – NEWCOMER KWS Art Lounge displays resonance of artistic positions

Two artistic positions, Constanze Böhm and Maximilian Neumann, have moved into the NEWCOMER KWS Art Lounge.

The flow determines the action, one word leads to another, action invokes reaction: in the double exhibition “Spukhafte Fernwirkung” (Spooky Remote Effect), both positions are brought into resonance with each other, common ground is traced and solitude is allowed.

Flowing, organic shapes in various shades of green form images of figures on a mottled gray background


Together with the international art book publisher arnoldsche Art publishers, Hella Rabbethge-Schiller has published a book about her collection that shows the extraordinary creative power and visual expressiveness of San art in energetic images!

You can get a first impression in the NEWCOMER KWS Art Workshop! There you will find presentation samles and a selection of the collection displayed on the walls, enriched by photography from Paul Weinberg.

KWS Board Spokesman Dr. Felix Büchting, Yihsuan Chiu, Studio Manager of Hangama Amiri Studio and Michael Stoeber, art historian from Hanover

"Quiet Resistance" – textile art by Kaiserring scholarship holder Hangama Amiri on display in the NEWCOMER KWS Art Lounge

The embroidered chiffons refer on the one hand to the domestic activity of sewing and on the other to a tradition that is passed down from generation to generation but is culturally ignored and often remains hidden. In the exhibition at NEWCOMER, the chiffons not only celebrate the women's craft, but also refer to the architecture of the gallery, entering into a dialog with it.

“With her exhibition, the artist empathetically points out social grievances of women, who, despite the restrictions on their freedoms and rights, will not be discouraged and create their own space for personal expression," said Dr. Felix Büchting, spokesman for the KWS Executive Board, at the vernissage.

Further press releases

Your contact

Bettina Alex
Bettina Alex
Public Affairs & Arts
Send e-mail
Tiedexer Straße 20, 37574 Einbeck | Opening-hours: WE 10 a.m. - 1p.m., FR 3 p.m - 6p.m., SA 10 a.m. - 1p.m.
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