Gegenhochdoppel - Degenhard Andrulat
All participants were tested negatively for COVID-19 shortly before the recording.
Movement and the limits of movement radii
In times of a pandemic, movement and the limits of movement radii, freedom and its restriction are conditions that once again increasingly move us as individuals and as a society into the sphere of the political. In the painterly oeuvre of Degenhard Andrulat, movement and its limits form a field of tension that is first and foremost constitutive for the resulting picture. Layer upon layer of paint is applied in a painting process in which the artist's physical radius of movement determines the possibilities and limits of the picture. The length of a brushstroke depends on the span of the up-and-down stroking arm, the back-and-forth sweeping movements of the wrist, or the sweeping rotation of the shoulder joint. This results in large-scale abstract paintings, sometimes reflecting the artist's body size, which in their rhythms are not infrequently reminiscent of musical notations.
Directly to the comment of the artist Degenhard Andrulat
Doppeltgraubewegtes Golden Red. and
Permanent seitensenkrecht bewegtes Blau.
No brushstroke is placed at random, but always as a reaction to the preceding one
Primarily vertical lines and color gradients determine the pictorial structure in Andrulat's works. No brushstroke is placed at random, but always as a reaction to the preceding one. Successively, a pictorial environment is created in which every stroke and every nuance of color captures the painterly thought process of the artist. Horizontal elements are repeatedly added to the verticals, arranged in such a way as to supportively build up the vertical flow direction in the painting. The remarkable thing about Andrulat's way of painting, with many layers of color on top of each other, is that it creates conundrums of space and depth, so that it is difficult for the viewer to tell whether the green is applied over the yellow or the gray under the red, or the other way around. Colors condense in one space, only to disappear again in the other. This kind of color application emphasizes on the one hand the colors themselves and on the other hand the light conditions of the picture.
This observation can be seen particularly well in the painting "Double Grey Moved Golden Red". Vertically placed brushstrokes and elliptical spiral movements combine to form a vertically constructed painting. Green-gray, orange-red, white, and variegated dark gray hues accentuate, reinforce, and soften each other. Light-dark shadings and upward striving lines of movement arise. At the same time, a kind of suction emanates from the image, which ultimately also sets us as viewers in motion.
Directly to the comment of the artist Degenhard Andrulat
Rubinversetztes Heliocöelin., Blaues Rot, doppelt versetzt. and Alizarinvertikaler Böhmischgrund.
"Degenhard Andrulat demonstrates that it [painting] is by no means dead, but in times of restricted movement has the ability to dissolve and expand our own boundaries and horizons, at least for the moment of contemplation." - Elmas Şenol
Directly to the comment of the artist Degenhard Andrulat
Inselrubin, cyclambenetzt., Erdig gefallenes Querkobalt. and Doppelgraulanges Blau. or Artist in Residence in Venice
Create images that define a horizon
Degenhard Andrulat "notes" his walks through a city like Venice and its very specific architectural lines of flight in his sketchbooks. They can later be rediscovered in paintings such as "Blue Red, Double Offset." or "Ruby Offset Heliocöelin." And this is another peculiarity of the artist's work: the titles of the paintings always refer only to the painting process and in particular to the respective color mood. The paintings, however, are not to be understood as reproductions of concrete landscapes or places. Rather, Andrulat wants to use the stylistic means of painting to create images that define a horizon and thus contribute to his own positioning and self-assurance within this framework. Of course, it is left to the viewer to recognize landscapes such as densely overgrown forests, meandering river courses, or expansive fields in these paintings.
In all this, questions and answers are visualized and condensed as to how painting, which has been declared dead countless times in art history, can look in the 21st century. Degenhard Andrulat demonstrates that it is by no means dead, but in times of restricted movement has the ability to dissolve and expand our own boundaries and horizons, at least for the moment of contemplation.
Directly to the comment of the artist Degenhard Andrulat
Inselrubin, cyclambenetzt., Erdig gefallenes Querkobalt. and Doppelgraulanges Blau. – Monotypes as books
Artist: Degenhard Andrulat
In his painterly oeuvre, Degenhard Andrulat deals with the depiction of light and space without ever becoming figurative. At KWS, the Hanover-based artist is now showing a series of abstract paintings, including his latest monotypes, which were created during a study visit to Venice in 2019.
Art historian: Elmas Şenol
Elmas Şenol (*1986 in Cologne) lives and works in Berlin. She studied Art History, Classical Archeology and English in Bonn and Rome. In 2018 she curated the first institutional solo exhibition of the Guerrilla Girls in Germany - at the peak of the #metoo and #notsurprised debates.
Her curatorial interests lie particularly in artistic positions in which formal aesthetics meet content with socially relevant themes.
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