CR+ Management
CR+ varieties offer new and excitingly strong options to push back Cercospora. In many cases Cercospora spots appear later, the disease progression is slowed down and disease severity is reduced. This allows to rethink Cercospora Management towards a more field-tailored approach.
With less fungicides available and resistance developments towards some fungicidal mode of actions, the CR+ varieties are a strong new element in your Cercospora control strategy.
The combination of CR+ varieties with an optimized fungicide-use offers the chance to minimize diseases impact onto your crop as well as to reduce the long-term Cercospora pressure.
Even in years with exceptionally high Cercospora pressure the CR+ varieties are able to deliver high and reliable sugar yields, ensuring the productivity of your sugarbeet.
CR+ varieties in combination with classic plant protection measures offer the chance for a long-term sustainable Cercospora control: as part of a strong fungicide resistance management, CR+ varieties protect the fungicides and vice versa.
CR+ management goal is green leaves until harvest
CR+ breaks the cycle of Cercospora
by achieving the management goal "Green leaves until harvest"
The treatment of CR+ varieties follows the existing thresholds. But: thresholds will most likely be reached significantly later by CR+ varieties.
Check your fields individually
1. Do not follow the standard call for an efficient CR+ spray timing.
2. Threshold may be reached later.
3. Monitor other foliar diseases like powdery mildew, rust and ramularia.
Fungicide Application
1. Spray, when the threshold is reached in your individual CR+ field – do not spray before.
2. The 1st treatment stays the most important: if you don't stop Cercospora from the beginning, the population increase exponentially.
Thresholds & CR+
The treatment of CR+ varieties follows the existing thresholds.
But: the threshold will most likely be reached significantly later by CR+ varieties.
The potential for fungicide savings depends strongly on the individual conditions in the respective year.
- The first application in CR+ stays the most important one and needs to be spot on to stay ahead of Cercospora.
But the first application in CR+ most likely will be later compared to classic varieties – timing matters! - Intervals between applications might be prolonged.
- The number of fungicide applications depends on the Cercospora pressure specifically in each season.
Don't forget: Keep an eye on other leaf diseases!
Ensure the saturation of the entire canopy for complete protection of the leaf.
Using the appropriate amount of water (up to 300 – 400 l water/ha).
Never spray above 25 °C to avoid evaporation.
On warm days preferably spray in the early morning.
Adapt pressure, nozzles type & size to reduce drift and evaporation. Double flat fan nozzles help to avoid spray shadows.
Don’t forget:
Spraying fungicides is much more challenging than spraying herbicides.
The leaf area can be more than 4 times the size the soil surface!
Only the leaves touch by the spray are protected!
As a result of a limited number of fungicides, there is high selection pressure on the few remaining ones.
The following advices should be considered in order to maintain efficacy:
- Do not use one product exclusively!
- Use and rotate the full range of fungicide mode of action
- Combine fungicide modes of action in tank mix
- Always use full dose rate
- Follow the manufactuers’ recommendations on the label
- Apply in appropriate conditions: avoid wind, rain, high temperatures
- Be in time – never be too late!
- Integrated disease management -> use all available countermeasures like field hygiene, crop rotation
The management goal is:
Green leaves until harvest!
Check your fields individually
First fungicide application is the most important one
Divergent disease progression and spraying sequence in CR+ compared to current varieties
Other diseases must be integrated in your management strategy*
*extra spraying might be necesssary
CR+: the new generation of Cercospora varietes
Get the best of both dimensions: Protection + Performance.
The new generation of Cercospora varieties follows a new rule: a high level of Cercospora protection PLUS a high yield performance under both high and low Cercospora pressure.
Fight against pathogens
Our breeders identified the strong Cercospora tolerance of CR+ varieties in a broad range of wild beet. With classic breeding methods it was crossed into KWS` breeding material. Find out how they keep countering the pathogens in our World of Farming story "Fight against pathogens".
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