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KWS – Your alfalfa specialist

Alfalfa (also called Lucerne) "medicago sativa", is a perennial forage legume, which is widely grown throughout the world as forage for cattle, and which is harvested as hay or silage, grazed, or fed as green-chop. On well-adapted soils, alfalfa is often the highest-yielding forage plant, but its primary benefit is the combination of high yield per hectare and high nutritional quality. Plants grow to a height of up to 1 m, and have a deep root system, that typically grows to a depth of 2–3 meters.

Alfalfa is a small-seeded crop, and after several months of establishment, it forms a tough "crown" at the top of the root system. This crown contains shoot buds that enable alfalfa to regrow many times after being grazed or harvested. The depth of the root system, and perenniality of crowns that store carbohydrates as an energy reserve, make Alfalfa very resilient, especially to droughts.