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    Hybrid Rye for Growing/Finishing Pigs

Hybrid Rye for Growing/Finishing Pigs

Why Hybrid Rye?

  • Similar standardized ileal digestible amino acids compared to corn
  • Improved total tract digestibility of phosphorus due to naturally high phytase levels
  • High content of fermentable dietary fibers including fructooligosaccharides which have the potential to improve the gut health of nursery pigs
  • Increase production of butyrate, reduce pH in the large intestine, and supports proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the gut

Recommended Inclusion Levels

For maximum performance and efficiency hybrid rye can be included at up to 50% of the diet DM in finishing diets. Higher inclusion levels may be utilized without effecting growth. However, due to a lower ME content of hybrid rye, this typically results in increased intakes and decreased efficiency. Always test for ergot contamination when including high levels of hybrid rye in nursery diets! Particle size should be between 500-600 microns. Very fine particle sizes should be avoided to prevent gut ulceration or respiratory problems from dusty feed.

Animal Health and Performance

Hybrid rye can replace corn with minimal to no impact on performance, feed efficiency, carcass characteristics, and meat quality. In fact, the abundance of gut healthy fibers found in hybrid rye often lead to improvements in health.