The SMART innovation in weed control for beet

  • SAFE: No phytotoxicity on the beet
  • EASY: Fewer spray passes needed
  • EFFICIENT: Wide weed spectrum

Weed control the SMART way

You can contribute to the sustainable cultivation of beet with only two applications. Gain power with KWS's SMART beet varieties and Bayer's CONVISO® ONE herbicide.

What are the main Benefits of CONVISO® SMART?

Best crop safety

  • SMART varieties
  • Full crop safety to the herbicide
  • Achieve full yield potential
  • Spray timing focused on growth stage of weeds

Broad spectrum herbicide

  • Broadleaf weeds including many hard to control species: fathen, wireweed, dock, willow weed, and mallow
  • Grass weeds including Ryegrass and Poa

Greater flexibility

CONVISO® ONE can be applied:

  • Over a wide range of beet growth stages: 2 - 8 true leaves
  • Can be tank mixed with insecticides
  • Can be tank mixed or used in sequence with other herbicides registered for beet

lt's the perfect fit - the specific tolerance of our new SMART KWS hybrids allows the use of this powerful new herbicide while still having best crop safety.
Maik Gertz, Sugarbeet breeder

Do you need further help?

Simon Witheford
Simon Witheford
Country Manager NZ
Tel.: 022 471 5582
Send email