Quality meets excellence
- High yielding spring breadmaking wheat
- Superb grain quality including outstanding specific weight (80.6kg/hl)
- OWBM resistance
KWS Alicium brings something new on-farm and in the mill with high quality German wheat in its parentage. It produces the best combination of grain characteristics on the current RL, with high protein (13.2%), excellent HFN (341) and outstanding specific weight (80.6kg/hl). In baking evaluations, the millers noted that the variety produces good, strong gluten quality making it a useful addition to many grists in the bakery. In the field, KWS Alicium has exceptionally high yield performance, at 103.6% of controls producing yields just behind commercialised feed spring varieties. It also boasts an excellent disease package including [8] for mildew and 6.4 for Septoria resistance. This is further complimented with OWBM resistance. KWS Alicium is a taller variety, at 84cm height but stiff strawed and offers growers the benefits of an early harvest, always an advantage when managing workloads at this busy time. So if you are looking for something different this spring – take a
UK | 104 |
Mildew | [8] |
Yellow Rust | 7 |
Brown Rust | 6 |
Septoria Tritici | 6 |
OWBM | R |
Height (cm) | 84 |
Ripening (days +/- Control, -ve = earlier) | -1 |
ukp bread wheat for export | no |
uks soft wheat for export | no |
Protein content (%) | 13.2 |
Hagberg Falling Number | 341 |
Specific weight (kg/hl) | 80.6 |
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