Increasing yields to improve farm profitability


Sugar beet breeding has supported consistent improvements in yield for many years. The publication of BBRO’s Recommended List for sugar beet varieties in 2018 continues this upward trend and provides growers with a robust and reliable set of data to use when choosing the right variety for their circumstances.

KWS varieties perform particularly strong for yield in the 2018 RL following rigorous, independent testing and analysis in the RL trial programme. With 5 of the top 6 yielding varieties in the 2018 BBRO Recommended List including DAPHNA, the first BCN tolerant variety to top the RL, KWS varieties will support you in maximizing profitability on your farm. Second on the RL for 2018 is SENADA KWS, which as well is offering high yield and in addition provides the best combined disease resistance score against rust and powdery mildew of any recommended variety.

With the beet contract and seed prices now available for 2018 it is clear to see the highest yielding varieties offer the greatest margins over seed cost as shown below.

Margin over seed cost 2018:

Source: Own calculations according to BBRO RL 2018 and industry data

Source: Own calculations according to BBRO RL 2018 and industry data

The analysis above is based on some key assumptions:

  • Yield: Average UK beet yield at 75 tonnes / hectare
  • Seed price: From British Sugar beet seed price list 2018 for Xbeet® Plus and Cruiser Force treated seed; Control variety from Group 1
  • Beet price: £22.50 / tonne
  • Seed rate: 1.25 units per hectare according to BBRO Reference Guide at an expected plant establishment of 80%
  • Takes no account of performance of specialist varieties in infested conditions i.e. AYPR or BCN

While it’s important to note that official advice is to treat yield differences of less than 3% with reserve, all KWS varieties for 2018 (with the exception of SANDRA KWS which is a specialist variety in case of AYPR) surpass this threshold so growers can be sure they will help improve on farm margins.

With the home-grown sugar beet industry set to thrive following the end of sugar quotas in the EU, KWS sugar beet seeds offer an all-round solution for UK growers: high yields together with brilliant agronomic traits to maximize profitability on farm.

If you would like any more information on KWS varieties, please do get in touch with the KWS Sugar Beet Team for the UK.