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    KWS CR+™

A revolution in Cercospora Management

Cercospora is a challenging disease. CR+ offers a tool to get back in control.

Cercospora Leaf Spot is by far the most destructive disease of sugar beet – by reducing yield by up to 50%. Furthermore cercospora leads to reduced processing quality of roots, reducing productivity.

Cercospora is of growing concern in the UK. In the 2020/21 campaign we saw devasting effects in the Wissington factory area, paired with bad Virus Yellows.

In the 23/24 campaign albeit there was no bad outbreak of cercospora, patches of the disease were easy to find in fields, across a large acreage of the beet growing area. This shows the disease has spread and this will unfortunately be providing an inoculum bank for future years.

Germany 2020, CR+ trials

Germany 2020, CR+ trials


The disease appears as small (2 – 3 mm) round grey spots with reddish margins. Under humid conditions and with the use of a hand lens, black spots (spore producing structures) can be seen in the centre of the lesions, which helps to distinguish it from Ramularia.

Superior Cercospora Leaf Spot management.

"CR+ management goal is green leaves until harvest"

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