High yielding conventional

  • Marketed under the Oilseed Establishment Partnership (OEP)
  • Good resistance to lodging with stiff straw
  • Relatively late flowering with medium maturity



Blazen is a high yielding conventional variety recommended for the north but suitable for all the main OSR growing areas of the UK. It is a Picto cross and has good resistance to lodging. Blazen is marketed under the KWS OEP scheme. It has good multigene resistance to stem canker. Blazen is a short and stiff variety with good performance across the main OSR regions of England and has had excellent performance in KWS UK trials. A good gross output variety with good lodging resistance at flowering and very stiff-stemmed at maturity. Medium-early flowering and medium-late maturity. A tidy variety with the benefit of being offered on the KWS OEP.
BLAZEN data sheet

Your Consultants

Kate Cobbold
Kate Cobbold
Hybrid Crops Product Manager
Tel.: 07766 258264
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Rory Hannam
Rory Hannam
Technical Manager Hybrid Crops UK
Tel.: 07929 719156
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