Drive your ration performance – maturity, yield & starch in one!
FAO 160/170
- Excellent early vigour
- Top DM yield in its class
- High kernel content and ripening stability
- Top DM yield in its class - (18.1 t/ha DM) across NIAB less favourable sites
- Excellent early vigour (7.0)
- Very high starch content (37.2%)
- Great energy values (11.76 MJ/Kg DM)
- High starch yield potential of over 6.7t/ha underlines yield performance
- High kernel content and ripening stability
- Data source: NIAB Forage Maize Descriptive List. First choice varieties for less favourable sites (2025).
KWS CALVINI suitable for all maize growing areas. Drive your ration performance – maturity, yield and starch in one.