• KWS_Pillen_in_der_ZR_Drillmaschine_Detail.jpg
    Sugar Beet Seed Production at a new Level

KWS invests more than 40 million euros at German Headquarters in newest processing technology

Greater flexibility thanks to advanced technology: KWS is investing in the future of sugar beet seed production, and the investment is huge. Among other advantages, it enables KWS to fulfill customer needs and market requirements, which have become more and more individualised over recent years. Furthermore, with this investment, KWS is showing its clear commitment to the positive future of sugar beet, which has always been a central crop in the KWS portfolio.

  • KWS is investing more than 40 million euros in sugar beet production
  • Significantly increased production volume at the main location in Einbeck
  • Seed production will be able to meet more individual customer needs
  • Newest technology allows faster and more sustainable production

Growing seed demand requires higher production capacity.

KWS produces more than 350 different sugar beet varieties for almost 40 countries all over the world each year.

There are several reasons why the global sugar beet seed demand has increased, pushing KWS production to its limits:

  • the expansion of KWS sales activities in all main sugar beet business areas
  • recent positive sugar beet acreage developments in the EU and Eastern Europe
  • very good KWS variety performance and an increased demand for these products

Seed production needs to fulfill more individual needs of customers and an increasingly segmented market.

As changing customer needs and sugar beet markets require more flexibility, increased production volumes are not enough.

Sugar beet markets have become much more segmented. Various sugar beet diseases require multi-resistant varieties and different treatment packages. This was reflected in the need for more and smaller seed lots in past production campaigns. As the number of seed lots increases, the setup times for the machines increase, too. This effect will play an even bigger role in the future, especially in pelleting, treatment of seed with new active substances (e.g. biologicals) and packaging.

More flexibility and integration of new product line for CONVISO® SMART varieties.

After completion of the new facility, KWS will be able to produce different lots with minimal interruptions in production. If needed, lots can be processed in parallel. Especially the upcoming launch of the new product line CONVISO® SMART requires this strict separation. CONVISO® SMART varieties are innovative KWS hybrids which are tolerant to the new CONVISO® ONE (ALS inhibitor herbicide) from Bayer. In the near future, it is expected that a significant part of global sugar beet seed deliveries will be provided with CONVISO® SMART technology.

The project is divided into four phases

Phase 1

A new logistics center and warehouse facility with increased storage capacity has been completed (see picture)

Phase 2 + 3

The current warehouse will be converted into the future machine hall, where seed treatment and packaging will be facilitated. Start of production in these new facilities is scheduled for spring 2019

Phase 4

An additional pelleting plant will be built. It is expected to be completed in spring 2020

First delivery of seeds to customers is planned for spring 2020.


  • Sugarbeet seed production at a new level

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