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    Miracle Yield

    64 % more sugarbeet yield compared to 20 years ago

    64% more sugar is yielded today on average from the same area of sugarbeet grown in the EU-28 compared to 20 years ago. Breeding progress and improved agronomic practices have contributed to an impressive yield growth over the past decades. However, there is still more to it, and sugarbeet breeders are continuously investing in further breeding progress to achieve even higher yields in the future.

    Chance: Yield increase

    Sources: 1 Average EU values applied. 2 Bartens, 1995-2015. 3 Burba & Jansen, 2000. 4 New varieties in official trial system in Germany. Made by KWS SAAT SE.

    Sources: 1 Average EU values applied. 2 Bartens, 1995-2015. 3 Burba & Jansen, 2000. 4 New varieties in official trial system in Germany. Made by KWS SAAT SE.


    • Infographic - Yield increase

      pdf | 442 kB

    • Sugarbeet Record Harvest

      pdf | 2 MB