Versatile, climate-friendly and healthy: Oilseed rape makes fields more productive than ever!
They add accents of color to landscapes and are the image of one of the world's most important oilseeds: the yellow oilseed rape fields. OSR is still a "young" crop that is cultivated worldwide and can achieve high yields. The four largest rapeseed producers alone – Canada, the EU, China and India – will generate a total yield of 72.8 million tons in 2021/22, with the highest yields coming from Europe. One reason for the consistent success of the crop is the stable demand at a high level. In Europe, it is the preferred oil – as an environmentally friendly fuel and as a versatile vegetable oil for healthy nutrition. It's all sustainable because it can be grown locally!
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Winter OSR is one of the most profitable crops in European arable farming. Within the European Union, farms achieve the highest yields per hectare.
Rapeseed is popular and high-yielding worldwide!
Source: FAOSTAT 2019
OSR is sustainable in many ways!
Oilseed rape is the most important and profitable catch crop in a crop rotation dominated by cereals. The soil is activated with important nutrients, remains loose, healthy and gains structure – the ideal conditions for handing over a cultivated field to the next generation.
In addition, OSR offers farmers many other advantages for sustainability:
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