1. Digital services Gives higher yields

Digital services to unleash the full potential of the seed

KWS seeds are used by you in very individual conditions due to its excellent quality and enormous performance potential. KWS offers numerous digital services that are free of charge and support farmers on their way to achieving high yields.
Explore our most famous digital services.

myKWS supports you in successful cultivation and overcoming the challenges that arise. This includes exploiting the individual genetic potentials of each individual variety: service for the seed. This offer can be used via the website.

myKWS complements the activities of our field service and other consulting services, such as strip trials and events, with a broad portfolio of digital components. These are crop-specific, farm-specific or crop-specific and include:

  • Tools and services (e.g. Beet Seed Service, articles, brochures)
  • Notifications and tips (emails, short messages, etc.)
  • Technical information (website)

Convince yourself of the many opportunities to get the most out of your business and register with myKWS.

Find your advisor – we are happy to help

Tools for successful cultivation

Crop Manager

The helpful tool for your Crop rotation planning

The regulations on fertilisation and plant protection as well as extended agricultural requirements are increasing from year to year. Therefore, crop rotation is becoming increasingly more important – profit from our Crop Manager tool:

Learn more about our tool

myKWS – Our service for your seeds


Your contact

Andy McGrath
Andy McGrath
UK Marketing Manager
Tel.: 01763 207301
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