Hybrid rye – a high quality feed!
Key advantages for monogastric feed - pigs:
- Rye can be fed as meal, liquid or pellet based feed; It is high in dietary fibre which promotes satiety, gut health and calm behaviour
- Rye can boost energy supply at farrowing; Arabinoxylan levels in rye far exceed wheat, this is converted to butyrate in the animals hind gut
- Rye is 2 – 3 % lower in crude protein than wheat; This leads to less nitrogen in the slurry > good for animals and the environment
- High straw yields; Straw provision acts as a novel stimuli & helps reduce aggression
- Fit for the future; Under the UK’s new agricultural bill rye delivers nitrogen and agrochemical savings without compromising yields
Sow ration - Rye benefits gestation, farrowing & lactation:
- Gestation: Rye boosts satiety – reduces stress, fighting over feed & lowers obesity risk
- Shorter Farrowing Duration: Arabinoxylan in rye is converted to butyrate in the hind gut. Butyrate helps raise energy supply at a time of reduced feed intake
- Lactation: Butyrate from the hind gut fermentation of rye helps increase colostum quality & IgG and IgA (maternal antibody) levels
Rye and salmonella reduction
Finisher ration - Rye can boost gut health:
- Reduce feed costs: Rye is a low input, high yielding cereal – diet inclusions (of upto 70%) give maximum return on feed costs
- Behaviour: Rye raises satiety levels and leads to less tail biting & fighting over feed
- (SCFA)s*: from rye boost gut microflora, reducing salmonella gut wall attachment
- Less gut ulceration: Rye demands more active chewing & saliva uptake – this reduces feed acidity upon stomach entry
*Short Chain Fatty Acids
DCA - Danish Centre for Food and Agriculture - Aarhus University 2013.
Impact of physical form of animal diets - Kamphues 2018. Grone et al 2020.
More about feeding rye
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