• rinderfuetterung_7_maissilage.jpg
    Storage in the Silo

    How you store maize optimally in the silo - decisive for your feed quality

    The aim of silage preparation is to preserve the crop in optimal quality and to minimise the loss of substance. Only then can the feed quality and the resulting performance be ensured.

    Stable silage is only achieved if the oxygen is rapidly consumed, further access to air is avoided and the carbon dioxide formed is retained in the feedstock.

    The highest priority must be given to compaction and careful coverage in order to create anaerobic conditions for the lactic acid bacteria.

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    Suggestions for silo filling

    • Rapid filling of the silo
    • Careful distribution
    • Proper compaction (layer thickness less than 30 cm)
    • High degree of compaction (storage density 230-270 kg TM/m3)
    • High inflation pressure
    • Roller weight: (Covering performance in t fresh mass per hour)/4
    • rapid, air-tight closure of the silo
    • Protection of the cover from damage by birds and wildlife

    Silo covering aids

    • Ground sheet
    • High-quality polyethylene film
    • Fabric foils, protective mesh
    • Weighting
    • Optional fencing