• A farmer family in turkey

Social Engagement

Independently of its business activities, KWS assumes responsibility in society and wants to actively contribute to solving social challenges. KWS sees itself as an active member of society that carries corporate values such as long-term vision, solidarity, and reliability beyond the company walls into society. The content of our social commitment is based on the UN goals for sustainable development, while we focus simultaneously on issues that are close to the company.

Being an international, innovation-driven company, we place great importance on the topics of education and science, especially the field of natural and agricultural sciences. By sponsoring national and international future-oriented projects and initiatives as well as young researchers and scientists, we want to make a sustainable contribution. For example, KWS continuously supports various scholarship programs as well as initiatives in the field of development cooperation abroad. Discover more about our Development Cooperations.

With our regional social commitment, we want to support cultural, social and socioeconomic development in the mostly rural environment of our KWS locations in order to increase their overall attractiveness.

KWS emphasizes the importance of its social commitment with its goal of investing around 1% of operating income (EBIT) in social projects by 2030. Discover more about our Sustainability Ambition.

Our social obligation

"Seeding the future – for us, that doesn't just mean developing our seed. For KWS as part of society, this principle also means strengthening the regions around our international locations.

Peter Hofmann, Member of the Board

News about KWS' local commitment

Reports & Publications

The reporting of our allocated funds is carried out annually in accordance with the GRI standard and is published in both the Sustainability Report and the Annual Report. You can find the Sustainability Report and the Annual Report in our download area.

Your contact

Katrin Feger
Katrin Feger
Lead of Public Affairs & Arts
Global Marketing & Communications
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