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    Yield increase

Corn4Future – How an increase in yield can support sustainability

Progress in plant breeding is the most relevant contributor to safeguard food production for a growing world population in the face of climate change and limited resources. KWS has set a target to enable a 1.5% annual yield gain for our farmers. With this increase, we enable more yield on less land – resources which can then be used for other (farming) efforts.

Increase in demand is higher than increase in cultivated land

Increase in yield results in less land necessary to produce same yield and therefore is more sustainable. Global corn grain yields have almost tripled since 1961, reaching 5.8 tons per hectare on global average in 2019 (Source: Erenstein et al. (2022)). Global food demand will increase by 50% by 2030, while the area of cultivated land will increase by only 10% (Source: Spiertz (2013)). This calls for maximum yield and stress-tolerant hybrids.

Plant breeding accounts for 50% of the yield increases, the rest being attributed to advancements in agricultural practices.
Fotis Gekas, Product Manager Corn International
A shared fight against drought – Farmer story.


Portrait image of Victor Jubirca
Victor Jubirca
Head of Marketing Corn Europe
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