Battle the beetle

KWS develops resistant varieties that defy the cabbage stem flea beetle

The cabbage stem flea beetle is one of the main pests in oilseed rape cultivation. An infestation can lead to high yield losses and even the complete loss of areas.

"In its different life cycle phases, the cabbage stem flea beetle infects other plant parts: In winter and spring, the larvae focus on the stems and petioles. The adult beetles arrive in fall shortly after the emergence of the plants and usually damage them already in the cotyledon stage" explains Susann Volkmann.

With regard to infestation, the choice of variety is crucial. This is because trials have shown clear differences here. KWS varieties with “InsectProtect” genetics are less susceptible to the cabbage stem flea beetle.

The susceptibility is to be further reduced through intensive breeding work. The aim is to develop resistant varieties whose genetics naturally protect them from infestation by the cabbage stem flea beetle. New breeding methods such as Genome Editing, which are used in basic research, play an important role:

“In comparison, plants whose genomes have been edited with the help of genetic scissors have lower feeding damage. A new variety with the desired resistance is created – much faster and more targeted than would be possible through conventional breeding”, says Stefan Meldau, Group Lead Biotic Stress Traits at KWS.

Further information on this topic can be found here:
InsectPROTECT Erdflohschutz
At the heart of oilseed rape breeding

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