• KWS robot with camera on a field
    World of Farming

    With vision and precision: What plant breeding can achieve for sustainable agriculture.

Our Company – Our Contribution – Our Stories


Treasure trove
of breeding

The new KWS Seed Inventory provides space for up to 1.3 million seed samples.


Beat the heat

High disease resistance and tolerance to abiotic stress are becoming increasingly important in bean breeding


From mass to

New myKWS application “Fit4NEXT Field-Check” makes the performance of catch crops visible.


Hightech meets handcraft

Artificial intelligence, robotics and genome analysis are important tools in modern sugar beet breeding. But the experience and craftsmanship of the breeders remain essential.


More pollen shedding, less infection risk

The future hybrid rye portfolio of KWS is adapted to the new ergot thresholds of the European Union from July 2024.

Low input, high output

Low input, high output

KWS focuses on varieties that are suitable for cultivation under low-input conditions.

Rolf Sommer

Small crops, big impact

Catch crops such as oil radish, mustard and legumes make an important contribution to more sustainable agriculture.


Profit from pests

For testing and research activities, KWS's phytopathologists cultivate numerous pathogens and insects.


Bio? Logical!

KWS develops biological seed coatings for sugarbeet and other crops.


Spotlight on sorghum

Sorghum is developing into an interesting alternative for grain and silage corn and could become even more important in the course of climate change.


Big chance for small crops

KWS sees enormous potential for peas and other protein plants


From fiction to field

KWS is testing robotic systems for mechanical weed control in sugar beet

Your contact

Christina Schulze
Christina Schulze
Expert Corporate Communication R&D
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