Tanz der Farben – Results of the creative workshop
Find your expression in the movement of colors! Let yourself be inspired by color and nature and create whatever you feel like!
Colleagues from KWS and 13 students from the Experimental Design course at Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts took up this invitation.
Surrounded by the Hubewald forest, with a view of Einbeck's rooftops, they let the colors dance on canvas and paper during a creative workshop weekend in June and tried out a wide range of creative possibilities in a playful and experimental way. The diverse results will be presented in the NEWCOMER KWS Art Lounge from August 8.
“Tanz der Farben” can be seen in the NEWCOMER KWS Art Lounge until September 28.
The weekend at the Waldhaus in Borntal above Einbeck offered the opportunity to find time to paint away from everyday life. In the changing sunlight of the early summer days, the group enjoyed the seclusion of the edge of the forest and gave free rein to their creativity.
The task set by Professor Dorothee Weinlich from Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts was to move colors intuitively and freely onto the canvas or paper without a preconceived idea, ready for chance. She repeatedly motivated each individual with new suggestions and tips on materials and techniques to set the colors in motion on the prepared surfaces in blobs, lines, brushstrokes, as areas and gradients, poured, sprayed, squeegeed - to make them dance.
Examples of works by great abstract painters such as Cy Twombly, Gerhard Richter, Helen Frankenthaler, Silvia Bächli and Jackson Pollock also sparked a passion for their own color compositions and ideas. The diverse results of this work experience in a special environment are presented in the NEWCOMER KWS Art Lounge.
Impressions of the exhibition
Saturday, 07 September from 7 - 11 pm
Miss Who (Frauke Hein and Werner Schultz) will be performing their own interpretations of well-known rock, pop and jazz songs for the 4th time. From Police to Amy Winehouse - look forward to fingerstyle and power vocals. The show starts at 7 pm!
In "Tanz der Farben", NEWCOMER presents the results of a creative workshop with students from Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts and KWS employees.

The Hof Wolper farm shop will be offering a selection of wines on this artistic and musical evening.
Support your local culture, 25th Einbecker Music Night

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