Integrated Weed Management
Keep your fields productive with Integrated Weed Management.
Integrated Weed Management (IWM) - The base for a SMART weed control
Integrated Weed Management (IWM) lays the foundation for your professional CONVISO® SMART sugarbeet cultivation.
Your key to success is the combination of soil cultivation, crop rotation, alternative control measures and herbicides which fit best to your situation.
Diversity is the key!
IWM gives you the advantages of:
- Reducing the risk of herbicide resistance development.
- Ensuring the longevity and productivity of the CONVISO® SMART system.
- Keeping your whole crop production system sustainable.
Make sure not to rely on one measure only – diversity is your best weapon for successful and sustainable weed control!
It is not the rotation of products that is important, but the rotation of their modes of action.
Rotation in practice!
Keep your fields productive with a diverse rotation strategy. The following graphic gives you an example for a SMART herbicide and crop rotation in your field. Each herbicide mode of action and its respective HRAC code** is represented by a different color – the more colorful, the more sustainable is your herbicide strategy.
Efficient weed management is in your hands:
choose the best strategies based on the weed situation in your fields.
Good to know! Modes of action and HRAC-Codes
- The mode of action is the way in which herbicides control susceptible plants, usally weeds.
- It describes the biological process or enzyme that the herbicide interrupts.
- Based on their mode of action, herbicides are classified by the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC) into the different HRAC groups. Each HRAC Code is represented by a different color and letter/number.*
* The HRAC code system was changed from letters to numbers in 2020. For more information see www.hracglobal.com.
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