Feedstuffs 365 Interview
Best of Two Worlds - Seed World
Cattle producers consider hybrid fall rye
Hybrid Rye is Helping Farmers Fight ‘Superweeds’ Without Herbicide
Hybrid fall rye offers high yield, flexibility to beef producers
Under the Covers Episode 3: Hybrid Rye
The possibilities of hybrid rye
Rye Study - Far North Spirits
VIDEO: Hybrid rye can replace corn in diets for growing pigs...
VIDEO: SDSU Southeast Research Farm Hybrid Rye Overview
VIDEO: Research Call with Warren Rusche "Feeding Hybrid Rye to Beef Cattle"
Small grains could be viable third crop in the Midwest - Article from Iowa Farmer Today by Gene Lucht
Hybrid rye brings flexibility and vigour for cattle feeders
Hybrid Rye: Additional Benefits for Organic Swine Production